Author: John T. Kelley

While you might hope to go your entire life without ever needing to turn to an attorney, you could find yourself in situations where you need one. There are some things, such as a traffic ticket or small claims issue, that you can handle by yourself. However, there are other times that you’ll want to rely on an attorney.

  1. Bankruptcy

If you’re in over your head financially and you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, you’ll want to contact an attorney. Most bankruptcy attorneys offer free consultations to help explain the process to you. Before you go to your consultation, gather as much of your financial information as you can. The better the picture of your financial situation you can provide, the better the lawyer can help you know what to do and which Chapter of bankruptcy would be best for you.

  1. Wrongful Termination

Whether you were fired because you spoke up about unsafe working conditions or you had a baby and needed to take some maternity leave, you need to contact an attorney if you feel that you were wrongfully terminated. You can try to file a lawsuit against your employer yourself, but you’ll likely find that it doesn’t go anywhere. Instead, rely on the expertise and knowledge of a wrongful termination lawyer Madison WV to get you the compensation you deserve.

  1. Divorce

Even if you and your spouse can handle your divorce amicably, you should still hire an attorney. You want to make sure that your best interests are protected, and even though your spouse might be friendly to you, they might not want to give you what you’re entitled to. Your attorney will look over everything and fight to get you the compensation you deserve.

If you’re going through a contentious divorce, then your attorney can serve as the go-between for you and your spouse. The attorney won’t have the same biases in place, so they can keep a cooler head when doing the negotiations.

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When a loved one needs you to bail them out of jail, it can feel overwhelming if you don’t know what to expect. Between bail, bonds and collateral, it’s crucial to understand how they work in this type of situation. Here are three facts about bail and bail bonds to help you figure out how to proceed if you face this decision.

  1. Bail Bonds Save You From Paying a Large Amount of Money 

When someone gets arrested, a fee may be required to get them out of jail. This fine exists as a way to get people to come back for their court hearings. You have the choice of paying these fees in their entirety or with affordable bail bonds Williamsport PA. When the amount of money is more cash than you have access to, a bail bond is a good option for you. Bonds require that you put up collateral equal to the bail amount, and you only have to pay 10 percent of the fee. This is an excellent opportunity because bail can sometimes be hundreds of thousands of dollars, which most people don’t have.

  1. Your Money Is At Risk With Both Bail and Bond

Once you pay the bail, your loved one must return to court for all of their hearings. If they miss any of their appointments, you are responsible for the bail amount and can lose any collateral you have put up for their release.

  1. You May Get Money Back at the End of the Case

Fortunately, most people show up to court for their meetings and follow through with their court appearance obligations. Once a case is closed, regardless of whether they are found guilty or not, your money or collateral is returned to you. However, the 10 percent fee remains with the bail bond company. If you paid the full bail amount, that entire fee, minus any costs, gets refunded to you.

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Divorce is one of the most stressful and difficult things you will ever go through. Divorce can stir up many emotions, including sadness, anger, and betrayal. Some people feel like failures because they weren’t able to make things work. According to Brides Magazine, there are six stages of grief that people go through during a divorce, including denial, shock, highs, and lows, bargaining, letting go, and acceptance.

Today, many couples are choosing divorce mediation over standard lawyer-driven divorce litigation. During mediation, there will be a mediator in the room, who is an impartial party to help couples discuss the division of their assets, custody arrangements, and support payments. If you aren’t sure which is best for you, you should consider the benefits of divorce mediation in San Diego.

#1) Saves Money

Divorce can be expensive. According to, a traditional lawyer-driven divorce can cost between $15,000 to $40,000 for each party, while divorce mediation costs are between $1,500 to $3,000 for each party.

#2) Mediation Is Quicker

The average lawyer-driven divorce can take nine months to two years to litigate, leaving you in limbo for longer than necessary. Divorce mediation in San Diego takes between two and four months. Mediation allows you to move on with your life a lot faster, which is essential for the mental health of both parties.

#3) Privacy

Most people don’t want their marital issues to be public knowledge. If you choose a legal divorce with a lawyer, you will have to go to court, and everything that is said during the hearing will be part of the public record.

Mediation divorce is private. All written and verbal communications will be private, as well as all draft agreements and disclosures. If you want privacy, mediation is the way to go.

#4) You Will Have Control

Unlike a lawyer-driven divorce, mediation isn’t about blame and fault finding. The mediator will help you and your ex communicate clearly and effectively without bringing up the reasons for the divorce. Not only will a mediator help things move along more quickly, but they will also keep things civil. If you have children, civility is essential to co-parent effectively in the future.

#5 Protect the Children

The last thing you want is for your children to be emotionally scarred during your divorce. A lawyer-driven divorce can get nasty and drag out for a while, which isn’t good for your children’s emotional health. Divorce mediation in San Diego is all about making decisions in a calm and controlled atmosphere, preventing your children from dealing with the stress of nasty litigation. According to Divorce Net, mediation is easier on children because mediation is about compromise and most divorce litigation is about fighting.

#6 Provide Closure

When you decide the marriage is over, the one thing you want is closure. The longer the divorce takes, the longer it will be before you have the closure you need to move on with your life. Mediation is much faster, and closure will come sooner.

Divorce is never easy; however, divorce mediation can keep things civil, and the process is much faster. Best of all, both parties can save thousands of dollars in the end.

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You’re driving home from work when you see the flashing red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. You pull over, step on the brakes, and roll down your window. The police officer tells you they pulled you over because there was a report of someone drunk driving. You are now facing charges of driving under the influence (DUI). What should you do if you’ve been pulled over for DUI? Consider the tips below. 

Get Your Car Off the Road

Doing this will show the police officers that you are cooperative. It especially works well when the officers are thinking of charging you with other offenses. This can include resisting arrest, driving without a license, or driving without insurance.

Stay Calm and Polite

Turn off your engine and keep your hands on the steering wheel. Create rapport with the officer and address them by their title (e.g., officer, sheriff). This shows respect and that you recognize authority. If you are asked to do something—such as keep your hands on the steering wheel—obey the officer’s requests, even if they seem strange. 

Maintain Silence After Being Pulled Over for DUI

When you are pulled over for DUI, the officer will ask you several questions. Expect to be asked questions such as: How much have you had to drink tonight? Have you taken any drugs within the last 3 hours? Where are you coming from and heading to? When did you last eat, and what did you eat? When did you last sleep or rest? Are you taking any medication?

All these questions are designed to elicit responses that incriminate you. Remain silent when asked such questions. Alternatively, you can politely decline all requests by saying, “I would prefer not to answer,” or, “I am exercising my right to remain silent.”

The officer may also ask you if you know why they pulled you over. If you are pulled over for DUI, an affirmative answer could be enough for them to make an arrest. Simply respond, “I don’t know,” with no further elaborations. Do not lie to the officer. Lying may be considered an obstruction of justice and may subject you to arrest.

Do Not Agree to Take Any Field Sobriety Tests Without Your Lawyer Present

This is one of the standard ways officers look for probable cause to arrest you. You need to know that the field sobriety tests are not accurate, and most people fail at least one of them. The three commonly-used tests include:

  • Rearview mirror challenge: This test involves using your rearview mirror and estimating how far away an object is placed/located.
  • One-leg stand: The test involves getting into a position with your feet together and then holding one leg 6 inches above the ground. You need to keep this position for 30 seconds without swaying, wobbling, or putting your foot down.
  • Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN): This test aims to establish if you have alcohol in your system by checking the jerking movements of your eyes.

Never Consent to a Breathalyzer Test Without Your Lawyer’s Presence

You should decline to take this test because your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) declines with time. For instance, the amount of alcohol in your body after 4 hours will be less than what it was 1 hour after you stopped drinking. 

Additionally, an officer can still arrest you for DUI even if your BAC was at or below the legal limit when you were stopped by law enforcement.

Ask for an Independent Blood Test

This request will be granted if they don’t already have a warrant to conduct the blood test on you. Requesting for this test is beneficial because your BAC will continue to drop. As a result, a test taken a few hours after your arrest may yield a lower reading.

You may ask yourself, what are the chances of being charged after being pulled over for DUI? If you have a BAC of 0.08% or above in your blood, urine, breath, or saliva (via analysis), you will be found guilty of DUI.

Do Not Accept a Plea Bargain

A plea deal is different from what you plead guilty to at trial. For example, you can be offered a deal where instead of being charged with DUI, the police will just charge you with reckless driving. 

Before accepting any plea deals without consulting your lawyer, consider that these deals are nearly always better for the prosecution than you. Don’t sign anything before meeting with your attorney.

Seek Legal Counsel

You should never take any step that you are unsure of without speaking to an experienced DUI attorney. Your lawyer can help you out with all aspects of the case, including the number of points added to your license. They will also tell you whether or not you will be facing additional charges after being pulled over for DUI.

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You can help protect yourself financially, medically, and legally if you take several steps after an accidentif you are able. Before you do anything, you need to make sure you are not going to cause yourself further harm by moving around. If you are not sure, wait for emergency medical technicians to check you over before you move. Otherwise, if you can, then you’ll want to take certain steps to protect yourself.

Take Stock of Your Situation After You Are Hit by a Car

Are you in danger of getting hit by other vehicles? If you can get further away from traffic, move away. People tend to look at accidents instead of where they are going, and you could end up being hit by a car again.

Call First Responders

As soon as you are out of danger, call first responders. If you are able, check on others who might have sustained injuries. When the emergency medical technicians arrive, allow them to check you over, even if you believe your injuries are minor. Some injuries do not manifest for hours or even until a day or two after the accident.

Gather Information

After you are hit by a car, you should gather information to help your attorney investigate your case. Obtain contact information, registration information, and insurance information from any drivers involved in the accident.

If the drivers had adult passengers in the vehicle, ask the passengers for their contact information. Finally, speak to any witnesses–obtain their contact information. You can also ask each witness what they saw. Be sure to take notes so you know which witness said what. Your car accident lawyer can use your notes during the investigation into your case.

Take Photos

Make sure you take plenty of photos after you are hit by a car. While police investigators will also take pictures, your pictures could show your attorney’s investigators something the police might have missed.

Always take pictures from every angle before anyone moves their vehicles. Make sure you get pictures of skid marks, other road damage, and damage to any property, including mailboxes, poles, fences, and yards.

Include photos of your injuries, even if you take the pictures after you get to the hospital. You might have a nurse help you take photos of injuries that you cannot see. You can also use a mirror to get photos of hard-to-see injuries.

Do Not Discuss the Accident With Other Drivers

While it is most likely difficult, remain calm during the time you are interacting with others, especially other drivers. They could pass what you say onto their insurance companies. The representatives could twist your words to try to assign blame to you. The only person you should discuss the accident with is the police officer taking your statement. After the officer takes your statement, ask to read what is written so that you can make any necessary corrections.

After the Police Release You From the Accident Scene

Obtain medical attention immediately if you do not accept a ride to the hospital in the ambulance. Let the medical providers know that you were in an accident and need a thorough checkup.

Document Your Injuries

Once the hospital releases you, keep track of how you feel and what is currently injured. You’ll need to document any additional injuries that show up in the next few days, including signs that point to anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

You should keep a diary of how you feel from the time of the wreck until you recover from any injuries. Make sure to note the date and time you notice new aches and pains or psychological issues.

If a loved one mentions a change in your behavior or attitude, take it seriously. Make a note of your loved one’s comments, including the date, time, and how you are feeling at the moment. If you continue to notice these feelings, document them. For example, you might lose patience with your loved ones more often. Document every time you lose patience. You might not think it is relevant at first, but it could become relevant.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer After You Are Hit by a Car

Contact a personal injury lawyer with experience in pedestrian and bicyclist accidents. If you do this within a few days of the wreck, you can also give the insurance company your attorney’s contact information. It is better that you simply notify the insurance company that you were in a wreck and that your attorney will be in contact with more information. The insurance company will definitely try to take a statement from you and will most likely use that statement against you.

A car accident lawyer knows the insurance companies play this and other tricks in an attempt to deny claims. If possible, it’s better for the attorney to handle filing the claim so you don’t end up leaving money on the table.

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In case of an accident, people involved usually get affected either in one way or another. Whether it is the loss of a loved one or a vehicular collision due to another party’s negligence, the process to follow to recover can be time-consuming and complex. The victim may get overcome by medical bills, emotional trauma, and handling insurance claims. Additionally, you would wish to get back to the position you were in before the accident.

Typically, injury attorneys practice several areas of the law. Thus, you must identify an attorney such as a Denver personal injury attorney specializing in injury law— that is, the attorney at the company focuses solely on personal injury law. Personal injury attorneys specialize in assisting their clients who get hurt due to the negligence of others. While injury law has several components to it, an attorney who specializes mainly in personal injury is likely to have more experience than one that focuses on many fields of law at the same time.

Why hire a personal injury lawyer?

If you or a family member have previously gotten involved in an accident, you know how disorienting one can be. Suppose you get injured as a result of another party’s negligence. In that case, you can contact a reputable injury attorney such as a Denver personal injury attorney to assist you in seeking appropriate compensation for expenses incurred. Engaging an injury lawyer is not a must after accidents; nonetheless, there are several reasons why one might need to hire one, some of which are;

  • They Can Help You Get Faster Compensation: If you do not have an attorney, you will have to wait until you’ve recuperated before seeking a settlement. Failure to have an injury attorney implies that it will take you much longer to get your compensation. You should therefore contact an injury attorney immediately after getting involved in an accident.
  • They Are Professional and Objective: Accidents and injuries cause a lot of both physical and emotional pain. This trauma may prevent you from making reasonable decisions regarding your injury. A personal injury attorney will file personal injury claims on your behalf. They will also help bring knowledge, skill, and experience into your case, which will help you get the settlement you deserve.
  • They Help You Make Better Decisions: Filing a personal injury suit is a complicated legal process, especially if you are not a lawyer. In most cases, the culprit owns up to their mistake and is willing to compensate you. In such cases, if the settlement amount is reasonable for your injuries, it would be wise to avoid a lawsuit. An experienced injury lawyer will analyze your situation and advise you on the available options.
  • They Know How to Negotiate: once an accident occurs, and you file an injury, the culprit’s insurance daily deals with these cases. It can be compelling when negotiating a lower settlement. Negotiating with insurance companies can be challenging because they have techniques for convincing you to take their offer. Hiring an injury attorney usually leads to better settlement.
  • They Can Provide You with Legal Coverage: Often, the culprit contests a personal injury claim, and this occasions you to consider court action. The offending party will most likely have an attorney, and not having a personal injury attorney will probably hurt your case. A seasoned personal injury attorney will give you adequate legal representation after injuries. They will collect the evidence needed to win your case.
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A frequent sort of agreement is a service agreement or a supply contract. They can refer to a variety of commercial connections, but they usually refer to those in which a company offers services to a customer. These types of agreements, for example, are employed in instances involving a:

  • Teacher tutoring a student
  • Any matchmaker who helps people discover loving partners
  • A migration agency assists a migrant in obtaining an Australian work and living visa.

A service agreement is always a legally enforceable contract that spells out the terms and conditions, rights, and responsibilities of each party. You need to involve certain commercial and business lawyers from a legal firm like Vault Legal in Australia.

How to write any service agreement?

In general, any service agreement must include the following sections and topics:

  1. A proper description of all the parties involved

The names and addresses of all the people involved should be listed at the start of your agreement. You should identify the type of entity, e.g. a corporation or a limited liability company if one or both parties are businesses.

  1. A description of the various services to be performed

Keep in mind that you will not be able to adjust your pricing if you end up performing additional work, so be as detailed as possible. As an example, a caterer would want to know how long they will be at the event, how many servers they will have, how many guests they will feed, and how much and what kind of food they will provide.

The caterer will be more likely to bid the work appropriately if the materials and time are accurately listed.

  1. A description of payments and fees

Include phrases like hourly, weekly, or monthly prices, as well as whether you charge a fixed fee per assignment. You may also need to clarify whether the pricing will include expenses, like travel for a certain consultant who needs to visit multiple corporate locations, or whether those charges will be paid and reimbursed separately.

You should also offer a payment schedule, complete with due dates and amounts. Caterers, for example, will usually have 2 amounts and payment dates, one for the initial deposit and the other for the rest due. Other suppliers, such as contractors, may have a months-long payment schedule for projects that take a long time to finish.

  1. The effective date and also validity date of the contract

The date after which all parties are obligated by the provisions of a contract is known as the effective date. The effective date is frequently the day on which all parties sign the contract, however, this is not always the case.

Next, give a work schedule—project work should at the very least contain beginning and conclusion dates. If your project has multiple stages or parts, you may want to provide additional due dates.

  1. Include a place meant for signatures

Service agreements must always be signed with a date by all parties involved. It is a good idea to get the signatures notarized for preventing any party from claiming at a later stage that it was never signed by them in the agreement.

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When you or a loved one are facing jail time, it’s easy to get confused by all the legal terminology being thrown at your head. What does the right to remain silent mean? What is habeas corpus? What are all the different kinds of bail?

Luzerne County bail bonds can be confusing, but they are not impossible to understand. Bail is the money that is paid to the court by an arrestee as a promise to show up at court when their trial takes place. Here you’ll find a few different types of bail bonds and what they involve.

Personal Recognizance 

For minor offenses which involve little or no risk, the arrestee can be excused from bail. However, he must be sure to show up to court, or else he could be arrested and held in custody until trial.

Surety Bond

When you don’t have the assets to pay your bond money yourself, a bail bondsman can help you pay it. You pay the bondsman a certain non-refundable percentage of the bond, and they will pay the full amount to the court. They assume responsibility for your bail, but keep in mind that they will come to hunt you down and make you pay the full amount if you don’t come to court.

Cash or Property Bond

Some people have the resources to pay their bonds. If this is you, then you can make a payment to the court in the form either of cash or of property. If you fulfill all your responsibilities, then the court will refund you the money or property in full, but if you fail to keep up your end, then the assets will be forfeited to the court.

So here you have a few basic types of bail bonds. There are more complicated, involved types of bail, such as immigration bonds or release on citation. However, these are the types you’re more likely to encounter. As you can see, the most important thing is to show up for your court dates on time. This will prevent many problems in the future.

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Divorce is stressful and expensive for a couple. The end of a marriage is second only to the death of a spouse in terms of the turmoil it causes. Where costs are concerned, the legal fees generated by a complicated divorce can be exorbitant.   

When a divorce is uncontested, there are other less expensive and less stressful options available. A flat-fee divorce attorney in Florida can help you reach a settlement without waiting months or even years. As thorough as a contested divorce, a flat-fee divorce is quicker and much less costly. 

What is Flat-Fee Divorce Representation?

A flat-fee divorce is one where instead of charging an hourly fee for services, the divorce lawyer charges a predetermined flat rate. This fee covers all costs related to the case provided the divorcing couple has already made most of the decisions concerning children and assets beforehand.

The process of a flat-fee divorce is straightforward and easy for the attorney who can typically guess the rounded cost. It works well when both parties are in agreement about the division of property and financial obligations related to the divorce. 

What You Should Know About a Flat-Fee Divorce 

A traditional divorce attorney will charge an hourly rate plus extra fees for expenses such as printing and delivery. Clients must also pay for legal processes like filing a motion with the state, discovery of assets, and trial preparations.  

A flat-fee divorce covers the same issues as a contested divorce but includes all costs related to the filing in one up-front rate.

Child Custody

When a custody battle is part of a divorce, the children often suffer. If both parents can reach an agreement concerning child custody before filing the case, it makes for a faster, less painful process for all involved. 


If the goal is to pay no alimony, divorce proceedings can be more complicated and lengthy than when both parties agree beforehand on a settlement that is reasonable and fair. If spouses are in the latter category, a flat-fee divorce is both possible and preferable.

Child Support

Florida courts have a policy allowing both parents to have frequent and continuing contact with their children but take into account what parent will pick up the majority of child responsibility after a divorce is final. When couples can be civil toward each other concerning their children’s welfare, they won’t have to spend hours in court trying to reach an agreement.

Division of Property

A flat-fee divorce is a good solution when both parties have reached a settlement regarding the division of assets and debts. Couples who meet these criteria can achieve a successful outcome while controlling divorce costs and minimizing life disruptions.  

If you can come to an amicable agreement with your spouse on parenting rights and assets, a flat-fee divorce will save you both time and money. The entire process can take as little as 20 days to complete without extensive court proceedings and other fees that can drive up costs. Your uncontested Florida divorce can be finalized in a matter of weeks. 

Get Experienced Legal Help for Your Flat-Fee Divorce 

A flat-fee divorce can alleviate the burden and distress associated with dissolving a marriage. A professional legal team will draft all the necessary legal documents and efficiently navigate your divorce proceedings through the Florida court system.

If you find yourself in need of a divorce, get legal help for a flat fee option.

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People usually make the mistake of thinking that personal injury lawyers are all the same, and therefore, it does not matter whom they hire. However, nothing can be further from the truth as it is imperative to find a good lawyer who will represent you in court and get you compensation for your injuries. An example of personal injury lawyers is Breakstone, White & Gluck. Below are some mistakes that people make while choosing an attorney:

Wrong instincts

The biggest mistake that most individuals make while hiring an attorney is going with their gut instincts and hiring whoever happens to be available. This leads to situations where clients get represented by law firms with no experience in dealing with cases related to their specific type of case. Moreover, these attorneys may not have any legal background in this field, which makes them useless.


It is always recommended to do your homework and ask pertinent questions about the law firm’s experience with cases like yours. You should also consult with family or friends who can recommend you a good lawyer or at least guide you in choosing one for yourself instead of looking around randomly. Ensure that your attorney specializes in personal injury claims. Only then will they be able to provide you with satisfactory service.


Attorney-client confidentiality/privilege is considered an essential part of this relationship. Still, numerous clients disregard their responsibility when utilizing attorneys, which leads to loss of confidentiality whereby insurance companies are informed about your case, consequently reducing the amount you receive in compensation. Suppose the attorney chooses not to share information about their client with the insurance company, and the attorney has no way of knowing that this person has done so. In that case, they cannot be held accountable for revealing information. While it is understandable that everyone needs to share their story, it is always better to ask your attorney whether you can talk about your case before disclosing any information.

Wrong communication

Other than breaching confidentiality by sharing facts of the case with friends or family while waiting for their lawyer to prepare for court, people also make mistakes while communicating on the phone, leading to loss of attorney-client privilege. Such privileges are considered sacred in legal practice, but there are numerous ways through which they can be lost. For example, if an individual accidentally mentions another party’s name during a phone conversation, the entire conversation becomes part of the public record. Similarly, if someone accidentally discusses their injuries or any progress in a case during a phone call, this will become available to insurance companies.

Therefore, it is recommended that individuals must always ask their attorney beforehand whether they can discuss anything related to their case before doing so. Otherwise, keep all communication strictly professional and formal instead of personal and casual. Additionally, do not sign any document without reading it entirely, as ignorance cannot be used as an excuse in the court of law.

Finally, most people ignore hiring an attorney because they presume that they are getting more than enough compensation for their injuries or loss of life due to some accident. However, everything should be taken into consideration before making a final decision.

One must never forget that, along with money, many other things cannot be compensated for by any amount of money in this world, such as loss of life, pain, suffering, etc. It is appropriate to hire a personal injury lawyer compared to representing yourself. In addition, when you hire an attorney, they can guide you in getting an appropriate settlement from the insurance company or court in your favor, so in return, you get fair compensation for the injuries sustained due to some accident.

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